Magni (マグニ Maguni?) is a young man from Thorfinn's village.
Magni has brown hair and a single spot of black hair on the crown of his head. He wears a standard warrior outfit, a combination of leather armour and chainmail.
Magni, like his peers, is an ambitious young man who wants to prove himself as a worthy and capable warrior. Like many of the local young men, he is infatuated with Ylva.
Magni is one of the young men who leaves the village to go to war with Thors, not knowing the latter plans to send them back with Leif before they ever reach England. Due to Thors's sacrifice, he survives Askeladd's band's attack.
Manga Appearances[]
Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance
- Chapter 5 - Troll (Debut)
- Chapter 6 - Messenger from the Battlefield
- Chapter 8 - The Journey Begins
- Chapter 9 - A Trap in Distant Seas
- Chapter 10 - Night Wake
- Chapter 11 - Cage
- Chapter 12 - More Than a Monster
- Chapter 13 - Smell
- Chapter 14 - The Sword of Thors
- Chapter 15 - A True Warrior
Anime Appearances[]
Anime Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance
- Episode 2 - Sword (Debut)
- Episode 3 - Troll
- Episode 4 - A True Warrior
- Episode 10 - Ragnarok (Dream)